November 3rd: Catherine Quiring

Fairhope Unitarian Fellowship 1150 Fairhope Ave., Fairhope, AL, United States

Trust Yourself Again: Reclaim Your Inner Compass Reclaim self-trust, learn about interoception and our ability to listen to all the information from our thoughts, emotions, beliefs, body, and intuition to form a collective inner wisdom or compass. Heal from authoritarian, colonizing, and fundamentalist worldviews and systems that taught it was not safe to trust yourself....

November 10th: Sarah Wright

Fairhope Unitarian Fellowship 1150 Fairhope Ave., Fairhope, AL, United States

Sarah Wright: Alabama Cotton and Bemis Bags: Pieces into Quilt History Feedsack quilts represent the artistic expression of American women in a distinctive textile era, 1930‒1960, when quilts were created from colorful, patterned fabrics that started out as feed or flour sacks. Many of these bags originated in the cotton fields of Alabama with Bemis...

November 17th: Ken Hudson

Fairhope Unitarian Fellowship 1150 Fairhope Ave., Fairhope, AL, United States

Honest to God: Religion and Denial that Climate Change is Caused by Us Data shows unequivocally that global warming is the result of human activity. The 2021 General Social Survey shows that a half of all Americans don't accept that global warming is caused by us. The main causes of this appear to be fundamentalist...

November 24th: Bob Echols

Fairhope Unitarian Fellowship 1150 Fairhope Ave., Fairhope, AL, United States

Albert Schweitzer and Reverence for Life: Love, Mercy, and Stewardship Bob Echols will introduce attendees to the great humanitarian, Albert Schweitzer, and his renowned ethos of a reverence fro life, the irrefragable tenet that all life is possessed of innate worth and value, and that our sacred duty as mankind is to serve as stewards...

Presentation of 2025 FUF Board Candidates

Fairhope Unitarian Fellowship 1150 Fairhope Ave., Fairhope, AL, United States

Candidates for the positions on the 2025 Fairhope Unitarian Fellowship General Board will talk about the work they would do if elected to the Board. There will be an opportunity to question the candidates about any issue, and to ask about how they will contribute to FUF. Members should see this as an opportunity to...

Annual FUF Congregational Meeting

Fairhope Unitarian Fellowship 1150 Fairhope Ave., Fairhope, AL, United States

This is the major opportunity for the FUF Board members to outline the developments over the past year, as well as plans for the future to the FUF congregation. It is the opportunity for FUF members to vote in a new Board for 2025 and to comment on and question what they are hearing.

December 15: Bah Humbug!

Fairhope Unitarian Fellowship 1150 Fairhope Ave., Fairhope, AL, United States

The Fellowship will see the true story of the origin of our American celebration of Christmas with a cast of members. We have celebrated thus this last 4 years. Irene Wagner will direct.

December 22: Holiday Stories

Fairhope Unitarian Fellowship 1150 Fairhope Ave., Fairhope, AL, United States

Come share your favorite holiday story and hear new ones. Recount some memorable, interesting, or amusing tales from holidays past. No subject is off limits. Members and friends are requested to come armed with a tale to tell!

January 5 – Pinky Bass

Fairhope Unitarian Fellowship 1150 Fairhope Ave., Fairhope, AL, United States

Threads of (Dis)Integration ”I am because we are” Ubuntu Philosophy. “My life, like a tapestry, has threads that have encoded themselves in me and shown themselves throughout my web of people, materials, experiences, feelings and places. Strands pass through barely perceptible pinoles and permeable cells, creating conjunctions to be investigated, interwoven or reworked. Hume says...

January 12: Sandy Tormoen

Fairhope Unitarian Fellowship 1150 Fairhope Ave., Fairhope, AL, United States

Baldwin County Trailblazers In 1995, the Baldwin County Trailblazers led a 20-year project to create the Eastern Shore Trail, a 23-mile bike and pedestrian pathway from I-10 to Weeks Bay. Sandy will highlight the Trailblazers mission and history and the way they encourage active lifestyles and  safe places for walking, including the Walking School Bus...