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Welcome to Fairhope Unitarian Fellowship!
Founded in 1952, the Fairhope Unitarian Fellowship is one of over 1,000 congregations around the country comprising the Unitarian Universalist Association. We are a diverse, free-thinking group with many different backgrounds, brought together by a desire for friendship, community, and commitment to Unitarian principles and purposes.
Sunday Programs
8:45am – Silent Meditation Group
9:45am – Sunday Book Discussion Group
10:45am – Children’s Class
10:45am – Musical Prelude
11:00am – Sunday Fellowship (Coffee Hour After)
*On the last Sunday of the month, join us for a potluck lunch following Fellowship!
Sunday Speakers
As a Unitarian Fellowship, we do not have a minister. Instead, we host a series of weekly speakers during Sunday Fellowship who share knowledge on a topic that relates to one of the Seven Unitarian Universalist Principles. The speaker may be a visiting Unitarian cleric or a member of another religion. We gather wisdom from the world’s religions to deepen our understanding and to expand our vision.
Do you have a speaker suggestion? Let us know!